Friday, 2 September 2011

Opinion Reconsideration

Yesterday, I watched the documentary film "Senna", where it goes through his life and his rise to racing stardom. There are also interviews from some of the big names in racing to complement this, a typical documentary set-up really.  What really hit me though was the realisation that, since 1994, there have been no fatal deaths in Formula 1, and that is the best thing that could possibly come out of the sport.

So, after reconsideration, I have decided to re-write my opinion that I will be researching over the remainder of the summer, to:

  • Opinion - "Formula 1 cars of the modern era are considerably safer than previous years."

Now, I am no expert on F1 safety.  Although there are definitely more safety features now, I have no idea if they're considerably safer or the sport has just been lucky over the past 17 years. This is what I aim to find out.

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