Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Better Late Than Never

Well here it is.  After months off putting it off, I decided to FINALLY start the summer brief.  It still is summer, only just though.  Surprisingly busy really, full of work, holidays and festivals, I've had a lot of time to think about it.  What IS good?  I actually don't know.  I've looked at the word so often it doesn't even look right any more.  Because of this, I've decided to replace it with 'peng' for now.

So what is peng?  Sausage rolls are pretty peng, but a whole bunch of research dedicated to sausage rolls could get dull in record time.  What else?  Mexican themed sandwiches, they're extremely peng.  But there's only so much Mexican in a sandwich you can talk about.  Man, this is tough.  Ham and cheese baguettes?  No, actually, I've had too many over the years to consider them peng any more.  I should just dedicate my whole blog to Greggs... now there's an idea.

As much as I love Greggs, bakery perfection in my eyes (and mouth), I've got to look at the bigger picture.  But what's bigger than Greggs?  Not a lot of things, but I've managed to pluck up the thought process to think of 5 things that are.  Here goes:

  • Object - Beer
  • Place - Perth, WA
  • Activity - Music Festivals
  • Opinion - "Leeds United are a big club with a big history"
  • Concept - Myths

So for the remainder of the summer, these things are going to consume my very existence.  Should be fun though, researching beer can't be all that bad.  I drink enough of it.  And Perth, what an incredible city that I'll be extremely lucky to visit again.  Festivals are disgusting, but the most fun I have all year.  Leeds United are shit, I know, but they're our Leeds United and we all love them.  Well, the small minority do.  And who doesn't like a good old myth?  

I'm glad nobody really looks at this blog, because I have literally no idea what I've just written.  Just needed a block of writing to get me going.  Ah well, at least I've finally got somewhere I suppose.  Watch this space. 

/end pointless introductory post
/start doing work
/watch transfer deadline night first

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